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Galery from 2012 to now


Aikido Handi Internship - FFAB

Federal internship for professors and professionals concerned with the inclusion of people vulnerable to disability or illness. On this occasion AAHVDA offered a brief introduction to wheelchair practice.


EDF's Choral Telethon 2018

Our ambassador EDF represents us in the choir that accompanies Soprano during this edition 2018, the 30 years of the Telethon!

Inclusive seminar - Berlin

From november 9th to 11th, we shared our vision of inclusion during the seminar organized by the Shuri Ryu Berlin.

Handi-Valide Discovery - Colmar

In view of the upcoming opening of the Handi-Valide section in the Aikido Colmar Club des Jardins, AEP Sainte-Marie, we organized an afternoon discovered. Thus, future students can come to meet us and discover our passion.

Découverte Handi-Valide - Colmar

In view of the upcoming opening of the Handi-Valide section in the Aikido Colmar Club des Jardins, AEP Sainte-Marie, we organized an afternoon discovered. Thus, future students can come to meet us and discover our passion.

Téléthon 2017 avec EDF Fondation

The EDF Foundation has given us the great honor of participating in the EDF choir bringing together actors involved in associations for the disabled. All united for the Telethon, this exceptional adventure will remain long in our memories ... This time, we are far from tatamis, on the antenna of France 2 ...


European Cup I-Karaté - Strasbourg

The European Cup 2017 took place on April 29th in Strasburg,  and what remains, is a fantastic memory for all of us. Many people told me that it feels like coming home, that ‘I can be myself’ here… And that is where we, at I-karate Global, stand for. Everyone  has his or her place here. Participation and inclusion are our main goals.

It is not only the competition but everything around it, the preparation, meeting new people, traveling… Participants from several countries make the experience rich :  35 disabled participants from Belgium, 29 Hungarian disabled athletes, Ireland 25 … and even with more volunteers  (yes, they work for free) that’s really amazing!!!!


Chalenge International I-Karaté - Strasbourg

April 26th, 2016,over 100 competitors from several european counrtries met for this challenge in kata, and kumite examination. 


Handi-Valide Bridge in Arlanc (France)

The Anraku Marseille Academy initiated the project and proposed to the AAHVDA partnership. This first meeting will be small ...

European Cup I-Karaté - Strasbourg

Et c’est au gymnase « La Rotonde » à l’Ouest de Strasbourg que cette deuxième édition de L’European Cup Inclusive Karate s’est organisée le 29 avril 2017. Le défi était de taille avec plus de compétiteurs, plus de pays participants et de nationalités présentes … mais aussi toujours plus de surprises, beaucoup d’émotion, des performances sportives et du spectacle. Bref, une fois de plus une compétition qui restera dans les mémoires. Avec en guest stars : Franck Duboisse (Champion du monde WKF), Dominique Saatenang (Ambassadeur des moines Shaolin) et Manon Bresch (comédienne dans "Plus Belle La Vie")

Voici les images de cette journée de compétition :

Nuit des Arts Martiaux du Luc-en-Provence



Martial arts and blindness

Karate Club Vins-Sur-Caramy hosted practitioners of various martial arts to address the various problematics posed by blindness through karate and aikido

Departure of a founder of Aikido Workshop Handi-Valid

While we initiated the adventure for two, the departure of one of the co-founder is a highlight marking the dedication of the students to their teachers.


Aïkido Engel Tanimiyor - Izmir (Turkey)

When the city of Izmir (Turkey) would like to update its welcoming people with disabilities, the founders of the AAHVDA are invited to demonstrate the accessibility of the practice of Aikido.

Week-end du Handicap pour les Nuls

For two days we discover to Aikido practitioners disability. Precautionary situations mini-lectures, the issues of the welcome people with disabilities were addressed. This action marks the start of the AAHVDA


While visiting Sakabe Sensei in Kumamto (Japan)

When the founders of Aikido Workshop Handi-perfect Valid Japan.

Visite de Didier Boyet de l'Aïkikaï de Tokyo

Quand l'Atelier d'Aïkido Handi-Valide reçoit un haut gradé venu du Japon...

Journée Portes Ouvertes de l'Atelier d'Aïkido Handi-Valide 

When Aikido workshop Valid Handi-opens, students' handis "bring the valid armchair to make them understand what accessibility. The practice of Aikido becomes an area of freedom, and harmony between valid and handicapped.

Démonstration à la Nuit des Arts Martiaux de Tourves

Les sourds ne sont pas forcement muets, et les personnes en fauteuil roulant peuvent aussi faire de l'aikido...

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